August 03, 2022
Listening to- Knowledge Fight....a questionable decision for my mental well-being
Mood- Tired tired tired tired so tired

SPX Prep

We took a few days off to go visit our friend Alex, who will be tabling with us at SPX, so that we could do a mock-up of our table, etc etc. We also just had a lovely time hanging out with Alex and their partner. They took us out for korean BBQ and sushi, which was wonderful, and I got really emotional about it, because we never go out with friends anymore due to COVID. This was a calculated risk we took; we've only eaten out a small handful of times since march 2020. I miss spending time with people.

They also introduced me to Sapporo beer. I've always hated beer, but more recently realized I enjoy Corona, and now I like Sapporo even more. Turns out I just needed a very light lager! I like sours too, but I honestly think I like Sapporo better than sours. It's nice to enjoy a beer that tastes like....well, like beer.

Here's how our table banners came out, plus a bonus Obi, who was helping us.

The next things I gotta prepare for SPX are bug adoptables and some 8-folds. I have the least amount of stuff to sell out of everyone, but that's okay, because this is just a hobby for me now.

I Hate My Job!

Buuuut now I'm back home, and my job is more understaffed than ever. I'm gonna be working 40 hour weeks, as a part time employee, who can't get a raise despite both my leads and my direct manager advocating for me to get one. Okay, for context, my position doesn't qualify for full time status, so I can't be considered full-time unless I got promoted to lead. Which I actually sort of have, in the sense that everyone has agreed I should get lead training, but no one has any time to give me that training, so I can't get that promotion in the meantime! While that's happening, raises were distributed across the store. I was under the impression everyone was getting a raise because the base pay rate was going up. That's not what happened, though...of course. Instead, only certain people got raises? Okay...well I'm still at the rate I was hired at ($12.50/hr), and our most recent hire, to my exact same position, started at $14/hr.... Everyone knows how hard I work and what a good job I do, but a raise? For me? Haha, no.

I can't go get a different job or something, because we're moving in a couple months. I have to stay where I'm at and dig in my heels.

Also, that new hire I mentioned was the first real friend I feel like I made in town, but they left to move back home recently so I'm sad about that!! They are very cool. We're going to be pen pals now :)

Anyway......it's still nice to be home. Asher missed us and now he's being very sweet :3

See ya l8r, here's Snail Obi