July 12, 2023
Listening to- Traumazine by Megan Thee Stallion
Mood- Still waking up

I've got some anxieties about the new career I've started that I'm trying to untangle through educating myself and improving my communciation skills. I got some books from the library that are already helping a lot. I'm just untrained and was kinda thrown into things all of a sudden. It's been great, and I'm very happy, but it's also a lot of pressure and responsibility. So yknow. AAAAaaaahhh!!!

I read the backlog of this blog, and I was kinda struck by how much stuff I was doing all the time and how competent I seemed from the outside. I've never for a second felt like I could keep up with everything life throws at me. I'm never getting enough done, and I'm always overwhelmed. Executive dysfunction is the main reason, but also it just seems ridiculous how much individual people are expected to do. I've always assumed everyone else was at least better at keeping everything together, even if it's not actually easier or less stressful for them, but reading my backlog, I felt like I was reading the blog of a stranger. Maybe everyone just seems like they have it together from the outside, but they don't. That's probably the case.

My partner has noted that I'm more tired all the time than is normal, and that it's harder for me to Do Things than is normal, too. But I'm not positive that my partner isn't just exceptional and incredible😂

I'm gonna visit my friends and family in Jersey in August, so I'm really looking forward to that..... Um I don't really know what else I want to say right now.

June 13, 2023
Listening to- Step Back History
Mood- Pretty fucking good tbh

Backyard Terrors and Dinosaur Park

A long-time friend of mine came to visit last week, and on one of those days we all made the drive out to Tennessee for a prehistoric-themed adventure.

First, we stopped at the more educational of our two destinations: Gray Fossil Site!

In 2000, construction workers stumbled upon very significant fossil discoveries in eastern TN. Many of the fossils dated back to the Miocene, 5 million years ago!

Back then, if you were to walk around Tennessee, you could see mastodons, ancient rhinos, tapirs, camels and even...
red pandas!
This ancient species of red panda was named the Bistol's Panda, after the town it was discovered in. Paleontologists are still actively working at the site.

Our next stop, while maybe not as scientifically valuable, is still very socially and culturally valuable.

Along winding, rural Tennessee roads dotted with homes, we find a tiny parking lot with a delightfully tacky entrance to
Backyard Terrors and Dinosaur Park!

Upon entering, I pull up a map of the park on my phone... and I am astounded to find out how large the property is. It's absolutely sprawling! This small team of dedicated hobbyists created life-sized, often dubiously accurate, dinosaur statues to fill this space. Admission is free, and their gift shop is run on the honor system. They operate entirely on donations.

There are a lot of dinosaur parks like this in the United States- it's almost a staple of Americana- but this one is special. It's the biggest one I've been to, and it's also the busiest. The child we saw crying because his family had to leave the park should tell you everything you need to know. This place rules!

Definitely check it out if you get the chance.

May 28, 2023
Listening to- Of Montreal
Mood- Chillin'

I'm slowly updating the pages on this site. The Comics page and Zines page are now two separate pages, and I'm going to move some stuff off of the Links page and onto the Art/Music pages.

I also need to create the Knitting page and revamp the Bugs page.

Otherwise...We upgraded Eggy's tank to be a proper 40 gal. Toast's will also be upgraded after he recovers from some health stuff he's got going on. Vet says he'll be fine :) we just don't want to stress him out more by throwing him in a new tank.

Here's Eggy

April 29, 2023
Listening to- My partner on a call with their brother (who is cool)
Mood- Transitional

Sorry I haven't been active for a long time. I would love if you'd watch this video.

Thanks! Bye!